Monday 21 October 2013

Lip Sync Test 2

I  did another lip sync test using keyframe caddy this one came out better than the first and I also use slightly less mouth frames per word so the mouth isn't moving too fast so the animation doesn't look weird and unlike the first test I also animated the jaw to match the movement of the mouth to make the talking look more realistic.

Monday 7 October 2013

Mood Board

I put together some colours and images of scenes that suit the theme I'm going for in my animation, I like warm orange and red tones for the colour scheme and a old style jazz bar look to the animation setting. As for character styles they will be simple, slightly deformed looking, with big heads and smaller bodies, because I wanted to make it look a bit cuter rather than doing more realistic characters.

As I have decided to continue with the song but in a different style I will be keeping the same theme/colour schemes, but animating the characters in a different style to the first. So to sum it up the first part of the animation will be in a cute deformed style and the second part will in a more realistic (proportion wise) style.


I made a basic anamatic to get the timing down for my animation, I feel I could of drawn a few more scenes in to make it more interesting but if I'm to do another short animation to accompany this one I'd rather keep it simple so I have time to do both.

I've also been thinking making two animations will be somewhat time consuming, but I would really like to use the style that I planned to use fro my first animation. So I have decided I will animate the rest of the song, but using a different style to the first. I will be making a second animatic shortly to accompany this one.